Waiting Till Spring To Sell In Metro Vancouver & Fraser Valley?
(February 06, 2016

Think again.
While most Home Sellers will wait until Spring; our mild west coast January - March winter may be the best time for you to do the exact opposite and list your home (it worked for George Costanza after all).
There’s a myth out there that real estate slows or even stops when the snow flies and rain storms. It may seem counterintuitive, but those cold and wet January, February and March days are actually an excellent time to bring our real estate group in to sell your real estate anywhere in the Greater Vancouver, Fraser Valley, west coast and even parts of the Okanagan.
Here’s 5 BCHH reasons to consider:
Serious Buyers: Looky Lou’s don’t trudge through heavy rain or west coast snowflakes in the dark (after 4:30 pm) to look at homes. Folks who are looking to buy a home during the winter months are serious about finding their new residence or investment! There may be fewer of those Buyers in general, but the ones who are looking are ready and wanting to buy, and they’re not messing around. Our real estate group have a very high level of "A" list buyers and investors all year long.
Low Supply: Typically, there are fewer homes for Buyers to look at in the wet winter months, which means there’s less competition for the attention of the typical BC Home Hunter! When winter ends and the new year begins, the supply of homes goes up. More inventory can mean more competition, longer days on market and potentially less money for your home, even in our bi-polar Metro Vancouver and Fraser Valley markets!
Sell High, Buy Low: If want to buy a home in the 2016 spring market, selling now (and potentially renting short term) gives you the chance to be a non-contingent buyer when you’re ready to purchase in the spring. This is ideal, since spring will bring more Buyers into the marketplace for you to compete with. You’ll be ready to write your perfect offer at your price and terms without the liability of a house sale contingency! Don't forget our new Prime Minister, in all his wisdom, has doubled the amount you will have to put down on any home or property over the $500,000.00 threshold as of February 15th, 2016.

Move in the Spring: You can sell during this prime time, but still not have to worry about moving until March or April, well after the cold winter months are over. You can negotiate a longer closing period or an extended use and occupancy. Our team have been selling over list price and in record time already this year. Don't expect 2016 to be anything but more of the same - record sales.
Capture the Relocating Buyer: January is often a time when employees begin new jobs. Oftentimes, when someone is transferred to a new position, they need a home, and they need it ASAP! This means they can’t necessarily wait until spring to buy, and that means you need to be on the market during the final months of the year to capture this unique buyer opportunity. Our group are known for having a significant number of very qualified investors, builders, developers and other buyers on the hunt for a home or property just like yours.
If you’d like to list your home this winter, spring or summer then we’d love to help. You can reach us here anytime, 604-767-6736.


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